How to Prevent Acne Scars

How To Prevent Acne Scars

Acne can result in acne scars forming, which you want to avoid where possible if you can! So, in this article we talk about how to prevent acne scarring so you can get on the front foot to prevent and inhibit them as much as you can!

What Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are the result of inflammation caused from acne & breakouts, due to the acne causing the pore to swell and its walls break down. Some acne blemishes are small and the scars created are shallow and heal quickly, but sometimes the contents of blemishes spill into the surrounding tissue which causes deeper and more visible scarring.

Lady with Acne Scarring

Types Of Acne Scars

There are 3 main types of acne scars, these being:

Ice pick scars – small, deep holes in the surface of the skin that look like the skin has been punctured with a sharp object.
Rolling scars – caused by bands of scar tissue that form under the skin, giving the surface of the skin a rolling and uneven appearance.
Boxcar scars – round or oval depressions, or craters, in the skin.

In certain people, the body can have an abnormal response to the damaged skin, which can result in more severe, raised scarring such as hypertrophic or keloid scars. These types of scars appear as raised tissue lesions on the skin and are a result of the overgrowth of fibrous tissue in the region where the acne lesion had developed. They are more common on the chest, back and shoulders, where the skin is thicker however, although they can occur around the jaw line in some cases. They are also more common in people with darker skin types.

Some people also experience skin discolouration as a result of acne, which can ultimately knock confidence & low levels of self esteem.

Causes Of Acne Scars

Acne scarring can sometimes develop as a complication of acne, however any type of acne spot can lead to scarring. It is more common though when the most serious types of spots (nodules and cysts) burst and damage nearby skin.

Scarring can also occur if you pick or squeeze your spots, so it's important not to do this.

If the rupture occurs near the skin's surface, the lesion is usually minor and heals quickly whereas more serious lesions arise when there is a deep break in the follicle wall, the infected material spills out into the dermis and starts to destroy the surrounding healthy skin tissue.

To repair the damage, the skin forms new collagen fibres which over time will naturally assist with the skin’s strength and stability.

Unfortunately however the greater the inflammation on the skin, the more likely scarring is to occur, so it’s always best to do what you can to try to minimise this!

Preventing Acne Scars

You can’t completely prevent acne scarring but you can follow these steps to help minimise your chances:

  • Treat acne as soon as it develops - Quick treatment helps to keep breakouts to a minimum and prevents acne from developing into a more severe form. Prevent pimples and you'll prevent scarring!
  • Make sure you’re using the right products - If your symptoms are severe you should be using higher grade or prescription treatments, not simple over-the-counter products.
  • Don’t squeeze or pick pimples - Never squeeze or pick at spots! Not only can burst spots damage the skin and cause scarring, squeezing and picking can also lead to infection.
  • Establish a good skincare routine - Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, but keeping your skin clean can help to reduce the blockages in the skin that cause acne spots.
  • Don’t pick the scabs - Picking at scabs should also be avoided. A scab is the skin's natural protection which protects the wound as it heals. Picking a scab off a wound before it is ready prolongs the healing process and increases the chances of scarring.
  • Don’t scrub - Avoid scrubbing too harshly as this can lead to more skin damage. You’ll need to reduce inflammation so that means no aggressive scrubbing or harsh products.

Can Exfoliating Help Acne Scars?

Exfoliating can help fade acne scars and give them a smoother appearance as by regularly removing the top layer of dead skin cells, this eliminates the chances of the pores clogging, which ultimately could lead to breakouts.

Although exfoliation can help fade scars naturally, overdoing it can cause irritation and make your scars worse. It can also burst existing acne, which may cause the bacteria to spread on other areas of the face, so exfoliation should be done only when the skin is healed from a break out and not during.

Some good exfoliators such as Obagi Professional-C Microdermabrasion Polish and Mask can really help!

Does Vitamin C Serum Reduce Acne Scars?

When you apply Vitamin C serum to the affected area, it works by promoting the synthesis of collagen, which is the protein that builds your skin structure, promoting healthy skin, and with increased collagen production, the healing of acne wounds is faster.

Vitamin C serum for acne scars can fade the scars whilst lightening and repairing damaged skin because of its potent antioxidant effect. It is very crucial as Vitamin C helps to neutralise the free radicals that can cause skin darkening and severe and permanent cellular damage to your skin.

We suggest trying Obagi Professional-C Serum 15% or DermaQuest C infusion Serum

Acne Treatments Available

There are many treatments to help with acne scarring such as Microneedling, Chemical Peels and PRP Therapy.

Also, trying a good at home treatment routine consisting of advanced products with active ingredients is a great alternative or boost around in-clinic treatments.

DermaQuest Peptide Glyco Cleanser
DermaQuest Mini Pumpkin Mask
DermaQuest Retexture Serum

In that order, every 10 days for a home treatment option!

For any further information on acne scarring and to speak to a skincare specialist, book an online consultation with our GlowBay expert and be on your way to healthy skin today!


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